Dish licker- A dog Tshirt
from $26.88
Budgie smugglers- Men’s swimming trunks/Togs Tshirt
Bum Steer- Deliberately mislead Tshirt
Bob’s Your Uncle- Everything is fixed - All is okay Tshirt
The Ant’s Pants- The best (you can get)
Every Man & his Dog- A big crowd Tshirt
Having a Blue - Having an argument! Tshirt
Crooked as a Dogs Hind Leg-Meaning something is not as straight as it should be Tshirt
Do ya 'nana!-Aussie slang for "going bananas" or tantrum Tshirt
Chuck a wobbly- Aussie speak -To throw a tantrum Tshirt
Bloody oath mate- Aussie speak - that is so true Tshirt
Choof off- Aussie speak -To go, leave! Tshirt
Bloody Ripper-Aussie speak for fantastic Tshirt
Beyond the Black Stump-Aussie term for the middle of nowhere! Tshirt
Bush bashing -Aussie term go off-road via all forms of transport Tshirt
Arc up - Aussie term to lose one's temper Tshirt
Good sort-Attractive person Tshirt
Get off the grass-I don’t believe you. Unacceptable information Tshirt
Fair go-A chance to try something and achieve Tshirt
Flat out like a lizard drinking water-flat out, busy Tshirt
Fair crack of the whip-Give me a break! Tshirt
Done like a dinner-over and done with, finished, completed Tshirt
Goes like the clappers-To move really fast ( like a fast car) Tshirt
Cool as a cucumber. A person who does not stress about anything Tshirt